Some info about bedbugs

You might have encountered the word bedbugs from the press or some children’s songs, but what is a bedbug? 

A bedbug is a tiny insect living of human and animal blood. This bug comes in brown, with a small,  oval shape. However, after they feed, their bodies swell and turn in red. As bedbugs grow to be adults, they can grow as big as an apple seed. 

One thing about bedbugs is they are incapable of flying. However, they are fast-moving bugs that can go from one surface to another. They can walk on floors, ceilings, and walls. A female bedbug can lay over a hundred eggs, each looking very tiny that it could nearly be described as specks of dust. 

Immature bedbugs are called nymphs, and they tend to shed their skin five times before becoming fully grown bedbugs. Before shedding, they need to feed on a meal of blood. Bedbugs develop fast and can mature in less than a month. They can produce three generations in a year.

Despite being quite a nuisance, bedbugs are not harmful to humans and can’t transmit diseases.

Bedbugs’ habitat

The word “bed,” can be found under your bed and bedding. Their flat bodies are advantageous because they can fit in even the tightest spaces. Aside from that, they can also hide in luggage, clothes, couches, and other fabric-made items. Their flat bodies are advantageous because they can fit in even the tightest spaces.

Moreover, bedbugs do not nest, unlike bees and ants. They tend to live in groups and dark hiding places. They like hiding in mattresses, bed frames, headboards, box springs, and anywhere in bedrooms. At night, they tend to bite humans while they are fast asleep.

When not prevented immediately, bedbugs can spread throughout your bedroom and will move to other rooms and areas in your home. 

Since bedbugs feed on blood, having them in your home does not depict you having a dirty house. You can also find bedbugs in the cleanest places, fancy hotels, and apartments. 

A bedbug’s bite

Bedbugs are nocturnal insects. They usually bite humans when they are asleep. When they bite, you can feel a sharp piercing in your skin. After that, they will suck blood from your skin through their long beaks. It takes about 10 minutes for bedbugs to feed, and they will quickly crawl away once they’re done.

Bedbug bites are painless; however, the bite will feel itchy in a few minutes. This is mainly compared to flea bites. But, the difference is bedbugs will bite into any part of your body, whichever is exposed while you are asleep. Also, bedbug bites don’t leave a red mark compared to flea bites.

Most people don’t think of bedbug infestations since whenever they feel itching and feel itch welts, they automatically think it came from mosquitos. To identify bedbug bites, you should also be able to find bedbugs in your surroundings. 

Signs of bedbug infestation

The most common sign of a bedbug infestation is when you went to bed without itching welts and woke up with them. Other significant signs of a bedbug infestation are:

  • Blood stains on your bedding
  • Rusty spots on mattresses, headboards, sheets, and walls near your bed
  • Eggshells, droppings, and skin sheds of bedbugs
  • Bedbug odor

Once you suspect a bedbug infestation, you must change your bedding immediately. Sweep all the dust under and over your bed.  You should also vacuum and spray insecticide under your bed. 

Moreover, you should check your bed frames and springs to see if the bedbugs are hiding there. If you see the deterioration of your bed fabric, you should change it immediately.

Aside from the bed itself, it is also best to check the furniture surrounding your bed. This includes your small bedside table, bookshelves, cabinets, and electrical outlets. Closets can also be a hiding place for bedbugs since clothing is kept. 

If your bedbug infestation exceeds what you expected, it is best to call a professional bug exterminator to help you out.

Bedbug infestation treatments

If calling a professional is not your option, there are ways to resolve your bedbug infestation in your home. Here are some ways you can do to treat your bedbug infestation:

  • Clean your bedding, curtains, linens, and clothing. You should wash these in hot water and dry them in natural sunlight. 
  • Stuffed toys and shoes should also be cleaned in the dryer and run at a high level for 30 minutes.
  • Vacuum your bed and its surrounding area from time to time. Once you get the dust from your bedroom, immediately throw them outside in your respective garbage bin to avoid more contamination.
  • For your extra beddings, linens, and curtains, you should store them in an air-tight zip bag for safekeeping. It is essential to remember that bedbugs can live for a year without eating, and they can live in your mattress and bedding the entire time.
  • Repair and seal cracks in your wallpaper. 
  • Declutter things under and around your bed.

Exterminating bedbugs

When you wish to get rid of your bedbugs, and most would like to do it as soon as possible, using bedbug powder is the best way to eliminate them. Someone would like to use chemicals, but we advocate using poison free treatment. It’s better for the people living in the house, better for the environment, and it is very effective.

If you don’t want to do it yourself you should call professional exterminators. Professional bug exterminators are experts in bedbug infestations; therefore, hiring one can finish the problem in one place. It is the cost-effective and safest way to exterminate your bedbugs.


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