Showing: 41 - 50 of 98 RESULTS
ticks found from pet

Protect Your Pet From Summer Pests

Summer has officially arrived and all members of the family, including the four-legged variety, will be spending more time outdoors soaking up the pesky pests such as ticks, fleas and mosquitoes can quickly ruin a warm-weather day, especially for…

cockroaches in the wall

Hidden Allergy Triggers in Your Home

Asthma (Greek for “panting”) is a common chronic recurring inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes and People with asthma experience symptoms when their airways tighten, inflame, or fill with Common asthma symptoms…

pest control at home

Top 10 pest-proofing tips for fall

Cold weather brings everyone Sitting in your living room with a pair of slippers and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders can be a comforting feeling… until a mouse scurries across the Your family may not be the…

german cockroaches

Many cockroaches no longer have a sweet tooth

A study from 2013 on cockroach behavior, published in the journal Science, revealed that some German cockroaches possess a mutation causing them to have an aversion to These findings explain why sugar-based baits mysteriously stopped working as a means…


Some info about bedbugs

You might have encountered the word bedbugs from the press or some children’s songs, but what is a bedbug?  A bedbug is a tiny insect living of human and animal This bug comes in brown, with a small,  oval…